Friday, February 27, 2009

The Curmudgeon Lasts a Month

Who knew I could come up with enough material to last a month blogging, especially with an emphasis on life in Owensboro. With no real promotion, I think I've gotten quite a few eyeballs to my site and I think those numbers are going to grow. I'm a bit of an internet geek and I think it is interesting to watch a site grow organically as this one has. Heck, I guess you could call this site eco-friendly, I've used no artificial fertilizers to grow its popularity, just a ton of bull*$%!. The blog is a bit wormy though!

Bear with me now, I know this blogging about blogging can be a little inane. I must say I have been not-wanting for material to write about, I was a little concerned that I wouldn't have enough good subjects to write about but I am happy with the quality of crap I've put out (this post being the exception).

I think I'll add a little bit more bluegrass to the mixture, I'm quite a fan of the stuff, but I warn you, my tastes can be a bit eccentric.

It has been quite a month for me, almost half of it I wasn't with real power and the town was torn all to pieces from the big ice storm. Maybe it was a sign from above of disapproval of this blog. If it was, it was a pretty big sign. I hope I haven't made the Big Guy upstairs that mad. I paid a visit to another country (the Bahamas), thats something that I don't do often. All-in-all, it was quite a unique month. I'll take the trip outside the country, that was quite refreshing, but I can do without another one of those friggin' ice storms, heck, I think now I could stand a couple feet of snow as long as that ice stays way far away from here.

Alright, enough with the self-promotion, back to being a crusty old curmudgeon. Shout out your thoughts or ideas from the peanut gallery (comments section), I'm a bit deaf but maybe I'll hear them, I won't guarantee I'll listen to them though.

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