Monday, February 23, 2009

"How are you today?"

So I drove up to my local Taco Bell drive-through the other day and was greeted with:

"How are you today?"
Now being the sociable southerner I am, I answered back with,
"Fine, thanks," and wait, and wait, and wait. . .
Two minutes later "you can go ahead with your order anytime you want."
Well, why didn't you tell me that earlier, were you just busy or was I supposed to start blurting out my order.
This isn't the first time I've encountered this phenomenon and most of the time when I get the "How are you today" I just start in with my order and usually get a "your order comes to $x.xx, please drive-through"

This totally goes against my southern morals. When someone greets me with a "How are you" I switch into friendly smalltalk mode. I think it is rude to just start in with my order, but it appears to me that is what I am supposed to do. So now, I'm thinking I'm the rude customer with no cares about you or your family or that your cousin Ed caught a 10-pound bass the other day.

If my boss came up to me and I greeted him with "How are you today", I wouldn't expect a reply of "I need these 2 TPS reports by noon", I would expect an "i'm fine thanks and how about you" and at least a little smalltalk before getting to the meat of the discussion.

When I go into a drive-through, just ask me what I want to order, don't try this friendly greeting crap, it really doesn't work. The person behind the register doesn't give a hoot about how my day has been and all I want is a burrito and a coke and to get on with the artery clogging.

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