Monday, February 2, 2009

The Great Ice Storm of 09 - Day 6 1/2

Not much new today, it was back to work for me. I'm thinking my power problems are going to take a while to fix, since Kenergy has to get involved. The next two days are supposed to stay below freezing with a few warmer days coming after that.

No lines this evening at the local gas station for propane or gasoline, I guess everyone is all gassed-up.

It looks like statewide at least 24 people have died due to the storm, 10 from carbon monoxide, and at least 9 from hypothermia.

The report card for FEMA's response is still out for review. FEMA says that responded quickly once the governor requested assistance, which was Thursday, two days AFTER the storm hit. The director of emergency management in Hopkins county has still had little to no communication with FEMA. It was only on Saturday that the governor mobilized all of the Kentucky National Guard. It's looking more and more like our governor has been caught asleep in his warm, well-lit govern's mansion.

Finally - some pictures of National Guard troops doing something. Supplies started being distributed in Owensboro Sunday.

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