Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some quick rants

GM's balance sheet now stands at -60 billion and they want another 16 billion from the Government. At what point do you throw in the towel? I love a good GMC pickup truck but when do you quit? And how the heck does the CEO still have his job?

The local Toyotetsu factory laid off a quarter of their workforce. 175 workers were laid off. So far I think Owensboro has been pretty recession proof, but the loss of jobs are starting to mount. Our dependence on low-paying manufacturing jobs are going to start biting us in the you-know-what.

The Owensboro Airport board has hired a new director, the old one hasn't resigned yet though. . .huh. . .

eh. . .thats all I got. . .I've had a few other things preoccupying my thoughts. . .maybe some more on that later. . .lets just say that sometimes living in Owensboro can sometimes be personally frustrating for me. . .

I rant and rave on this blog about the shortcomings (and sometimes good things) about this fair city and have a little fun with it. I think everyone likes to put down their hometown. Sometimes though, the shortcomings of opportunities in this city can be really frustrating and I don't know if I have the patience or willingness to personally sacrifice certain things just to live in my hometown with friends and family. I've lived in other parts of this country and have seen what opportunities there are out in this here big ole' world of ours. Sometimes, wants for those opportunties put up a big fight against my satisfaction of living back home. We will see who wins this fight.

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